Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Windows Office shortcut keys

1 Alt O, S - FormatStyle: Applies, creates, or modifies styles

2 Alt O, T - FormatTabs : Brings up the Format Tabs dialog

3 Shift + F5 - GoBack : Returns to the previous insertion point (goes back to up to 3 points, then returns to where you started; this is one of the most useful shortcuts of them all. Also useful when opening a document, if you want to g straight to where you were last editing it)

4 Ctrl + > - GrowFont : Increases the font size of the selection

5 Ctrl + ] - GrowFontOnePoint : Increases the font size of the selection by one point

6 Ctrl + T (or drag the ruler) - HangingIndent : Increases the hanging indent

7 F1 - Help : Microsoft Word Help

8 Shift + F1 - HelpTool : Lets you get help on a command or screen region or examine text properties

9 Ctrl + Shift + H - Hidden : Makes the selection hidden text (toggle)

10 Alt O, P - FormatParagraph : Brings up the Format Paragraph dialog

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