Saturday, December 27, 2008

Cellphone Hazards

Fact: Malignant brain tumors are the second leading cause of death in children and young adults in the United States, and this epidemic is largely caused by radiation from a cellphones which penetrate the heads of users. If you always use your cellphones for calls and has experienced ear pain, headaches, dizziness, insomnia, irritability, stress, memory loss, high blood pressure and ringing in the ears, you better start limiting yourself from using that mobile phone, or at least pave way to a number of safety options.Studies show that there is a correlation between cell phone emissions and a slightly higher incidence of human brain tumors, cell growth in human blood micronuclei, and DNA breakages. Other studies show that electromagnetic signals from cellular phones reduce the ability to concentrate, calculate and coordinate complicated activities such as driving a car. Using a cell phone is also responsible for impairing of memory and reaction times. Even the so called hands-free mobile speaker-phones do more as they emit 10-times more brainwave interference than handheld units. Sixty percent of the radiation emitted by a typical cell phone is absorbed by the user’s head, and the radiation that is coming out from the ear piece is four times out of the antenna, and a similar amount of radiation comes from the keypad and mouthpiece as well. It should be noted also that different brands and models of cellphones have widely different levels of emissions.

Four times the radiation is leaked into the side of the head than is actually being used to transmit a signal. Highest emission comes from the antenna region. The reason for the leakage is that manufacturers tend to lower down the production cost, in exchange of lessening down the radiation that would escape into the user’s head and lowering down possible risks, thus the source of leakage: poorly matched transmitters, feeds and antennas. It must also be blamed to the lack of shielding in the phone case.

It is important that mobile phone manufacturers should be alarmed with this scenario and start designing cell phones that will not endanger the health of users. Make sure that all cellphones are sold with head sets or earphones. In this way, the user will have the option of not using the cellphone close to his head. The truth is, the essential key to safety lies to the manufacturers themselves, by designing safety features that will help protect and reassure their customers.

This information is from

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