Thursday, December 17, 2009

Compiling Flex application from command line

1. If Flex builder is not installed download Flex 3 SDK from
2. Unzip it to c:\adobe\. In this case installDir = c:\adobe\
3. If Flex builder 3 is already installed check the install directory. Assuming installDir = c:\Adobe\
4. Java should be installed in the system.
5. Flash player should be installed in the system.

Creating and compiling Flex Application:
Open notepad or any editor and copy the code below:" layout="vertical" width="100%" height="100%">

1. Save it as Text.mxml in c:\temp\
2. Open command prompt window.
3. installDir\sdks\3.x.x\bin\mxmlc.exe c:\temp\Test.mxml (installDir = c:\adobe)
4. It should be compiled to Test.swf in c:\temp

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