Thursday, March 11, 2010

RSS to PDF believe me its possible

Many of you must have felt the same as myself with busy schedule and always on move or offline. Just happen to view your RSS reader found something interesting but don’t have time to read it online. If you are facing the same problem, at last I have found a solution to it. Now you can convert your RSS feeds to PDF online and that too free of cost and read it when you are on move or offline.

RSS 2 PDF ( is a free online service that turns any RSS feed to PDF document at a lightening speed. Along with RSS, this service also converts other sources like ATOM and OPML to PDF. The only problem with the service is - images of the RSS source are not part of the output PDF. Due to server resource usage restrictions, the creator of the service temporarily disabled images in the output.

So what are you waiting for, start converting your favorite feed and read at your leisure time.

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