Wednesday, January 06, 2010

END task in windows

If an application or a page is hanged, normally we would go to task manager and select that application or page and then we would click on End Task !
It would take sometime to end that application, we got look at the hanged monitor till it closes it and then resume our work.
But, do we know that we have an easier way to close that application ?
Here is it !
Goto the task manager window, and select the Processes tab, and then select the corresponding process and say end process.
It will immediately close it !
The only difficulty is, to find the corresponding process.
The key is that the process would be named in relation to the application.
For eg : notepad.exe, OUTLOOK.EXE, iexplore.exe ( Browser window )
You will get used to finding the process, once you start using it !

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