Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Convert a table to text in Word!!!

To convert a table into text:
Select the rows or the table you want to convert to text. Under Table Tools, on the Layout tab, within the Data group, click Convert to Text. Under Separate text at, click the option for the separator character that you want to use in place of the column boundaries. Word will automatically convert the rows or table into text.

Source: http://www.lockergnome.com/windows/2008/09/08/convert-a-table-to-text-in-word-2007/

Sunday, September 27, 2009

How handle exception in VB.NET ?

VB.NET has an inbuilt class that deals with errors. The Class is called Exception. When an exception error is found, an Exception object is created. The coding structure VB.NET uses to deal with such Exceptions is called the Try … Catch structure.

Syntax:TryCatch ex As ExceptionEnd TryThe Try word means "Try to execute this code". The Catch word means "Catch any errors here". The ex is a variable, and the type of variable it is an Exception object.

Example:Tryrt1.LoadFile ("C:\test10.txt", RichTextBoxStreamType.PlainText)Catch ex As Exception MsgBox (ex. Message) End Try

When you run your program, VB.net will try to execute any code in the Try part. If everything goes well, then it skips the Catch part. However, if an error occurs, VB.NET jumps straight to Catch and exception message in message box is executed.

Friday, September 25, 2009

Designing for Web 2.0

Designing for web 2.0 is nothing but making our design look simple,so that the pages download faster and making elements look very clear.For example, user larger font (font-size:12px) is the latest trend.Like-wise there are so many things which makes different from non-web2.0 websites.
Few of them are separating header from the content, Using cute icons, using larger font-size, etc,

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Ingenium product Vs Mainframe Technology

Ingenium Knowledge
• Exposure to Domain and end to end knowledge of Policy Administration system
• Various Insurance Product Implementation / business processes exposure
• Specific Products knowledge is valued against technologies in the market
• Quick recognition and faster growth perspective
• Opportunity to play multiple roles and responsibilities based on experience and exposure

Open/Mainframe System Knowledge
• Limited to technology and not much exposure to domain
• Knowledge is restricted only towards technology / business process of that applications
• Niche technical skills alone are valued in the market
• Quick recognition and Growth perspective is not very encouraging
• Career Path is limited with pre-defined roles and responsibilities

Monday, September 21, 2009

Pseudo conversational transaction in CICS

Pseudo conversational transaction:
There are some advantages in CICS online system.

Multitasking: CICS allows multiple transactions (tasks) to execute at the same time
Multithreading: CICS allows multiple concurrent tasks to share the same program
Re-entrance: Programs running under CICS do not change themselves so that they can continue from where they left off after an interruption.

CICS –> Transaction to trigger application and It is also batch job to the mainframe.
Transaction –> 4 Character unique identification and all these transaction is controlled by control tables.

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Sample Procedure

To run procedure(proc) in sql+ or sql develpoer there are two methods:
1) begin

2) proc proc_name;

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Handling Dropdown elements using Selenium IDE

Here is an example on how to handle Dropdown elements in selenium IDE.

Select From Dropdown

Select From Dropdown
store 58058 option1
store 30 index1
open http://pages.ebay.com/sitemap.html
select category0 label=Toys & Hobbies
storeSelectedLabel category0 label1
assertSelectedIndex category0 ${index1}
assertSelectedLabel category0 ${label1}
select category0 label=Computers & Networking
storeSelectedLabel category0 label2
assertSelectedLabel category0 ${label2}
assertSelectedValue category0 ${option1}

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Different BitMapset Macros in CICS.

- Group of maps link edited together and mapset consisting of several maps
- Representation of one screen format

Different Macros:
DFHMSD - Mapset macro
DFHMDI - Map macro
DFHMDF - Field macro

DFHMSD - Mapset macro
DFHMDI - Map macro
Mapname DFHMDI SIZE = (24,80), LINE=01, COLUMN=01,
DFHMDF - Field macro

Sunday, September 13, 2009

General CICS commands.

CICS Commands Structure:
EXEC CICS CICS COMMAND OPTION (value) (Parameters as needed)END-EXEC.

- Used to receive incoming data from the terminal. - A receiving area must be defined in the working storage section.
SEND - Used to send outgoing data to the terminal. - A receiving area must be defined in the working storage section and specified in FROM parameter.
RETURN - Used to terminate the transaction and return control to CICS.
XCTL - Used to pass control between application programs at same logical level.
LINK - Used to pass control between application programs. - Control passed from higher logical level to next lower logical level.
HANDLE AID - Used to specify paragraph name to which control is passed.

Friday, September 11, 2009

Oracle Data Management Solution

Oracle Site Hub is a location mastering solution that enables organizations to centralize site and location specific information from heterogeneous systems, creating a single view of site information that can be leveraged across all functional departments and analytical systems. Site Hub helps organizations eliminate the problem of distributed, fragmented, incomplete and inconsistent site data resulting from isolated silos of data, lack of centralized data repository, rapid business expansion or mergers and acquisitions.

What does it delivers
1. A pre-built extensible data model for mastering site information both internal and external such as competitor, supplier, customer sites
2. A single enterprise wide 360 degree view of the sites
3. Unlimited number of pre-defined and user-defined attributes for consolidating site-specific information
4. Mass maintenance capabilities to manage updates to multiple sites
5. Site mapping and view using Google Maps
6. Pre-built integration with Oracle Inventory, Oracle Property Manager and Oracle
7. Enterprise Asset Management to manage site-specific inventory, property lease and assets 8. Web services to consolidate and share site data across disparate systems and processes

Wednesday, September 09, 2009

Cocomo, Build real-time social app. with Flex

Add social features to your existing Flex apps or build totally new ones, such as real-time productivity/collaboration apps, multiplayer games, and audio/video chat.

Features of the Cocomo beta include the following:
  • VoIP Audio
  • Webcam Video
  • Chat
  • Multi-User Whiteboards
  • Real-Time File Sharing
  • User Management
  • Roles and Permissions
  • Robust Data Messaging

To get started:
To get access to the Cocomo service and Cocomo SDK, you will need to create a developer account. Follow these steps to create a developer account:

1.Navigate to the Developer Portal (http://cocomo.acrobat.com/)
2.Enter your existing Adobe ID or create a new Adobe ID with different email address and password. Your Cocomo developer account will be automatically created based on your Adobe ID.
3.Download and unzip the Cocomo SDK, check out the documentation, and start developing.
4.Ask questions and share your feedback in the Cocomo forums

Monday, September 07, 2009

Example for accessing a control in the master page from a content page

The following code shows an example that accesses a control in the master page from a content page.

<%@ master language="C#" %>

Master Page

Left Navigation


Saturday, September 05, 2009

How to access the Header control from a content page

<%@ page language="C#" master="~/ExposeHeader.master" %>

This content is generated from the content page.


Thursday, September 03, 2009

Accessing super-super class variables

In core java, Sub-classes can use super keyword to access the shadowed variables in super-classes. This technique allows for accessing only the immediate super-class. super.super is not valid. But casting the 'this' reference to classes up above the hierarchy will do the trick. By this way, variables in super-classes above any level can be accessed from a sub-class, since variables are resolved at compile time, when we cast the 'this' reference to a super-super-class, the compiler binds the super-super-class variable. But this technique is not possible with methods since methods are resolved always at runtime, and the method gets called depends on the type of object, not the type of reference variable. So it is not at all possible to access a method in a super-super-class from a subclass.

class A{
int c=1;
public void disp(){

class B extends A{
int c=2;
public void disp(){

class C extends B{
int c=3;
public void disp(){

void demo(){
public class G{
public static void main(String args[]){
new C().demo();


Tuesday, September 01, 2009

Want to browse the web from Outlook

How great it will be if you are able to browse the web from outlook.Yes,you can surf the web without leaving your outlook.
Find the coolest information here.
To surf the web you need web toolbar,so display the web toolbar you have to go to view menu,toolbar submenu,then select web.
Now you can find web toolbar below menu option .Enter the web address in web toolbar and hit enter key.
You can see the main screen becomes browser,but oulook navigation pane on left side will be as it is..
To return to outlook you just have to click the navigation pane.
That's it.You have discovered browser in oulook.How cool is it!!
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