Wednesday, November 12, 2008

A wonderful tool in Excel!

Having used Microsoft Excel for presenting reports in the client's side, I wanted to share how wonderful a tool this is. Arguably, it is a tool used at some level by most people in an IT organization. Be it creating simple reports, business presentations using its versatile charts or even creating some simple birthday party accounts, Excel is a very important tool in MS Office suite of applications.
While Excel's worksheet formulas are being used extensively, its VBA properties, if harnessed properly, are much more rewarding. Hence, a little bit about learning VBA for somebody who will be interested -
For a set of tasks to be performed, select Tools –> Macros –> Record Macro (Office 2003) or Developer –> Record Macro (Office 2007) and then start doing what you want to do. Stop the recording and then open the Macro editor (Alt + F11). You will find the code recorded for the steps you had went through. This will be a very good starting place to explore and leverage this wonderful tool. Using the VBA help next will help fine tune the skill…

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