Saturday, June 20, 2009

Mainframe and Commonly used Dataset options in SAS

1) FIRSTOBS - Causes processing to begin at a specified observation.
Example : data new (firstobs = 30);

2)OBS - Causes processing to end with the nth observation.
Example : data new (obs = 30);

3)LABEL - Specifies the label for the data set. Example : data new (Label = ‘label for input dataset is not permanent’);

4)WHERE - Selects the observations that match the specified condition.
Example : data new (where = (age ge 45));

This System option specifies the first year of a 100 year span used by Informats & functions.
Based on this, the century values of dates are determined by SAS system if the year is specified as a two digit year.

The default value is 1920.

If the yearcutoff option is set to 1950 then the value
09/18/49 with MMDDYY8. format will be read as 18th September 2049.
This does not have any effect on year specified in four digits

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